Analysis of parallelism tolerances and its influence on Bearing tension tests on structural composite performance according to ASTM D5961


  • Luana Pereira Dalla Mariga FATEC Professor Jessen Vidal São José dos Campos
  • Everton Sérgio Ribeiro da Silva
  • Felipe Pinto Pêcego
  • William Marcos Muniz Menezes
  • Rita de Cássia Mendonça Sales



Parallelism tolerance, Bearing test in tension, Structural performance


This article has the purpose of verifying the parallelism geometrical tolerance application on the response of single lap composite joints, riveted with two fasteners, for bearing test in tension, according to ASTM D5961 – procedure B, using for this finite element analysis software and short bibliographic review. It was also studied a more affordable for manufacturing alternative, with 1 mm of parallelism tolerance. Furthermore, it was mentioned variables on the composite joints obtainment which are more critical for its structural performance, as hole/fastener gap, pitch, fiber/matrix mating, lay-up and edge distance, for example, and, in conclusion, raised as a hypothesis, that an error in the order of magnitude of tenth millimeter of parallelism would not affect the bearing primary failure in a significant manner.

Biografia do Autor

Luana Pereira Dalla Mariga, FATEC Professor Jessen Vidal São José dos Campos

Técnica em Mecânica pelo CTIG UNESP, Bacharel em Relações Públicas pela UNITAU e Tecnóloga em Projetos Aeronáuticos pela FATEC - SJC. Atua como técnica de métodos e processos na Embraer - SJC.





